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Daily Deviation

January 4, 2011
Deer king by ~gbindis is one of those stunning works that leaves me thinking "why didn't I come up with this?" - make sure you full view to appreciate all colours and textures!
Featured by kuschelirmel
gbindis's avatar

Deer king



The idea was in my head for a long time.

Stock which I used:
- MountedElk by SalsolaStock [link]
- Penny by CloudNineStock [link]
- Parrot by GRANNYSATTICSTOCK [link]
- Crow by Shoofly-Stock [link]

[ Thank you all very very much :) ]

- Rope from [link]
- Mask from [link]
- The heart, cat's eyes, butterflies, tree and moss textures also from

EDIT: Thank you very much for the DD, all the faves and comments, I'm very surprised and very thankful!

EDIT2: This work was presented here: [link] and here: [link] (thank you!)
Image size
1100x1100px 1.29 MB
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